Study Abroad

Interested in studying abroad while attending Jackson College? For more information on study abroad opportunities stop by the International Student Institute in BW 221 or .

Study Abroad Ireland


Come join Jackson College faculty member Dr. Becky Roberts, in conjunction with the Institute of Study Abroad Ireland for a week long trip abroad. This is an extensive global experience that encompasses pre and post trip coursework for Intercultural Communication, COM 250. Participants will experience Irish culture, music, art, and history through a week-long excursion beginning in Dublin and then traveling North West to Donegal. While abroad, each participant will visit historical sites including Glencar Waterfall, Donegal Castle, and the walled city of Derry in Northern Ireland. You will also have a chance to visit Bundoran and enjoy the beach and surf!

Com 250 tuition, fees & books are not included in the program price. Current cost is based on the current exchange rate. Any significant fluctuation in exchange rate or airfare may result in a price adjustment.

Tips for covering study abroad costs

  1. Plan early and break down cost
  2. Apply for scholarships and grants
  3. Apply for financial aid and loans
  4. Find alternative aid sources
    • Use community resources
    • Create a fundraiser
    • Ask friends and family
External Study Abroad Programs/Scholarships External Program Links
American Institute of Foreign Study (AIFS)
CIEE International Study Programs
Freeman-Asia Awards (for study in Asia)
Benjamin A. Gilman International Scholarship Program
(pell-eligible students)

How to apply for a passport

Click here for passport application form and detailed steps to apply for a passport